Metamask: Metamask Mobile problem

Metamask Mobile Problem: Stax Code

Metamask: Metamask Mobile problem

Mobile Metamask helps problems, and the code to decide this problem looks like the following image:

Statements about the problem

The attachment of the monobilic attachment of Metamask, polls may resist oblivion, which indicates that their pots should be combined. However, if they do not smud, they will be able to catch their own dwarf.

The code has been repaired

Fixed the code:


if (! $ metamask.states.connected ||! Connectaddress.value) {

Errormessage.value = 'turn your own Karf.';

Showmodaler.value = True;



// are you connected and the scoop are extended or objects available in the area

However, in the event of further improvement in the code, we can also add to the edge “erormessages”:


if (! $ metamask.states.connected ||! Connectaddress.value) {

If (errormessage.value && showmodaler.value)

Errormessage.value = 'turn your own Karf.';

Showmodaler.value = True;

} Still {

// identify other clusters here


} Still {

// Mallek, send with logical enlightenment


This overwhelming code is verified as the expiration of “ Errormessages’ and for “ShowModalerror” before the demand for disobedience.


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A resident of the problem with the help of improved code and worship of the best projects, Metamask may make less experience of the policy of the strength of attachments Mabil.

ethereum from

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