Metamask: How to connect with the Metamask and Coinbase wallet separately in DAPP?

Connecting to a Metamask and Coinbase wallet separately in DApp

As a developer of a decentralized application (DAP) for wallets, such as Metamask and Coinbase, connecting is an essential step in securing user funds and facilitating the events of the forum. However, when you use these two popular wallets together, you may face problems that prevent seamless connections. In this article, we will examine the possible causes of these problems and provide guidance to resolve them.


When you connect both Metamask and Coinbase wallets at the same time, it often leads to the Coinbase extension opening on the Default browser tab. This is because Metamask uses a different kind of wallet provider (avalanche) than Coinbase, which has its own integration of metamas. The Coinbase extension, in turn, relies on Metamask’s Web3.

Possible Causes:

Metamask: How to connect with the Metamask and Coinbase wallet separately in DAPP?

  • * Wallet provider mismatch: Although both wallets use the same blockchain (eg Ethereum), they can use different wallet providers (eg Metamask vs. Trust wallet). This difference can cause problems during connection attempts.



1. Separate wallet providers

To solve this problem, you must use different wallet providers in every wallet. Here are some steps:

Option A:

Use metamas on the web and coinbase desktop (Windows/Mac/Linux) as a wallet for the desktop. Then you get to DAP from Coinbas.

  • Open the Metamask website ([] ( in your desired browser.

  • Create an account or log in to existing.

  • Create a new private key for metamas and add it to your application.

Option B: Use metamas online, but use the coinbase as a wallet supplier at DAP. Then you can access DAPP from the Metamask website.

  • Install the Metamask browser extension in the browser you want.

  • Sign in to your Metamask account.

  • Create a new private key and add it to your application.

Option C: Use as wallets on both web network and Coinbase (Windows/Mac/Linux). You will then get to DAPP in the Coinbase Desktop wallet.

  • Open the Coinbase desk and log in to your account.

  • Go to Settings> Wallets and Accounts and select “External Wallets”.

  • Add a new external wallet supplier by using Metamask’s browser expansion or other method (eg Metamask Desktop).

  • Set Metamask wallet settings.

  • You can access DAP in the Coinbase area.

2. Use a third party solution

There are some third party solutions that can help you solve this problem:

* Metamask wallets: Some wallets, such as Metamask wallets, provide support for several wallets connecting at the same time. However, these solutions may require additional settings and configuration.

* Coinbase wallet integrations: Coinbase has integrated its wallets on some DAPP platforms, allowing users to connect their account directly to the application. Check your platform documentation or website to see if this option is available.


Connecting with both metamask and coinbase wallets can be a bit difficult, but using different wallet providers or third-party solutions, you should be able to solve all the problems that arise. Remember to follow these steps:

  • Separate wallet providers for each wallet.

  • Use a third -party solution if available.

  • Check your platform documentation or websites.

When following these guidelines, you can connect to both Metamask and Coinbase wallets separately in DAP, ensuring seamless functionality and user experience.

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