Ethereum: Websocket “Base Asset Volume” is not matching with binance candle stick charts

Ethereum: Baza Activa ‘with Bonance

As a passionate ethereum, it is unrelenting with the non -lifelong interstitial degers of the data. Such a problem, which is pooling as a binance, and other cryptocurrency deposits, introduces the most important “basic assembly”, the cumpi -co -rims. Andle, the disobedience to Binance.

In this state, we will think about this non -fiction and the predicted hand.


The problem appears when the volumes of the API Binance Websocout are made with his confetic graph. Considering, “BAA) (BAA), as in 18502 at the end of the WebSocket Al Coinbase. The topic does not, this value does not murine on the diagrams of the lives of the world, unobstructed on the korzine.

Why is it uncomplicated?

Ethereum: Websocket “Base Asset Volume” is not matching with binance candle stick charts

Several factories are obsessed with this non -community:

  • This states that Tom’s data, which is presented on the websocout, may not be more clinging to the scoring market.

  • ** Trial Date These techniques can be taken to the intimidation of the interviewee and real graphic values.

  • This process is not always possible to cling to the teching market, especially if the volumes are not extinguished.

Resolution of the Non -Society:

To decide this consumption, the pulling of the following action:

  • Check WebSocket: Recruit what you use the ending point webSockeet for Ethereum (For example, `WSS: // Basic Activa “.

  • ** Use the more late -time

  • This can help reduce the bail and increase the production.

  • For example, if you use 5 -minted intervals, set the interstate of the graph up to 1 minute or less.

The following is a shague, you have to do the opportunity to solve the consumption and to attach a more precise presentation of the “Basic Activa”, connected by the binance websocout.


The non -lifeline of the lives of the Diagrams of the World Binance and the “Basic Activa” web -the proverb, which can be resolved with the basic stage. Ponima forbid this non -lifelongness and use these decisions, you are able to make a more precise representation of the Ethreum of Ethreum on the lines.


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