Ethereum: Does Solidity have integer types that are not multiples of 8 bits?

Ethereum: Does solidity support 8-bit integer types of non-multi-layer?

As a developer of Ethereum’s Blockchain and the developer on the contract platform, understanding the underlying architecture is crucial to ensure seamless interaction with the ecosystem. In this article, we are considering whether the solidity offers all types that are not 8 bit times, focusing especially on supporting it for integer types.

Solidnity -based

Before diving into integer types, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the basics of stability. The language is designed tight and efficient, focusing on ease of use rather than raw performance optimization. It supports different types of data, including integers that are important in intelligent contracts to represent numbers.

Types of integers in fixed

Ethereum solidity offers several integers:

  • UINT8,UINT16, UINT32 andUINT64 — Similarly represent 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit integers.

  • 2.

8 bit non-multi-angles

Ethereum: Does Solidity have integer types that are not multiples of 8 bits?

Although solidity supports some integer types that may not be 8 bit odds, none of these types meet the requirements of the broker type. Intermediate types are typically used to represent intermediate results or values ​​that must be converted between different data types.

One example that may seem interesting is Uint10. However, it is imperative to understand that "Uint10" is simply an acronym represents 10-bit integers in the "Uint" type that does not offer significant differences in other integers. In practice, the use of the 'Uint10' does not provide additional performance or requirements.

why not 8 bit non-multi-angles

In solidity, integer types that are not 8 bit (such asUint9, U7, etc.) are simply for the alias' Uint type with a smaller bit. This means that they do not provide additional functions or improvements than already available in other integer types.


In summary, solidity offers a variety of integers that support 8-bit information, but none of them meet the type of broker. Possible 8 bit (such as Uint10) non-multi-angles act as a subdivision for existing integer types and do not bring additional efficiency or requirements.

When constructing the Blockchain of Ethereum and an intelligent contract platform, it is necessary to be aware of the Solidity data type restrictions and design your code accordingly. This ensures seamless integration into the ecosystem and minimizes any problems or errors that may be due to misuse of integer types.

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