Ethereum: What’s the difference between `z-addr` and `t-addr` type addresses?

Understanding Z-Adr and T-Adr: What is the difference?

In the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, titles play a key role in ensuring transactions and anonymity. Two popular address types are “Z-Addra I T-Addo, introduced as an alternative to traditional Ethereum titles to Zcash (Zcash).

What is the title?

In the context of the Crypto currency, the title is a unique string that identifies a particular transaction or property on blockchain. This is basically a digital token that allows users to communicate with the network and participate in the transactions.

Z-Adr vs. T-Adr: What is the difference?

And “Z-Addra I” T-Addra is designed to provide better data protection and anonymity for users, but differs in their basic structure and use.


The Z-Addra format is a version of the Ethereum address type that contains an additional coincidence. This additional information allows Zcash to create titles with several unique keys (known as "Private Keys". These private keys are used to sign transactions, which means they are not directly related to the user's wallet or identity.

Use a combination of two parts Z-Adr:

  • Public key (XPUB)

  • More information (XPRIV)

In the XPRIV section, there is a further coincidence - provides an additional layer of encryption and anonymity. This makes it difficult for everyone to connect the title with the owner's identities.


However, the format ofT-Addra uses a completely different approach. Instead of relying on several private keys (xpub), Zcash presents “Tagles” titles used by a public key (TX) and two additional labels: “Time Mark” ir a ” to coincide “. These tags allow you to effectively sign and check the transactions.

In short, although “Z-Addra I T-Addra offers better anonymity, Zcash’s T-Addr format uses a simplified approach to achieve this goal. However, the use of several private keys (XPUB) in Zcash titles provides additional security and protection for users.


In summary: “Z-Addr” I T-Addr are two different titles that meet different needs and cases of use. Although both offer better anonymity, the Zcash T-Addr format is a more effective solution, while the Z-Addr version provides a stronger security system. As the cryptocurrency landscape develops further, it will be interesting to see how these types of titles develop and use in real scenarios.

Zcash: Zcash Testnet

Ethereum: What's the difference between `z-addr` and `t-addr` type addresses?

If you are interested in trying Zcash Testnet, I suggest you visit [ ( and applying to the account. From now on, you can discover the various properties and functionality of Zcash, including the T-Addr title type.

Note: This article is a summary of the information available at the time of writing and does not reflect state -of -the -art development or zcash testnet changes. Always consult reliable sources about Zcash and Testnet latest information.

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